Growing up in today’s appearance-focused world can be tough. Social media, celebrity culture and reality television all have an impact on the way young people feel about themselves and their bodies. Sadly, too many young people experience poor body image, low self-esteem and in some cases, eating disorders.
EDV workshops for students are appropriate when young people in the school community have been identified as being at risk of developing an eating disorder and have been developed according to the NEDC guidelines for the prevention, early identification and response to eating disorders in schools. Student workshops focus on raising an awareness of eating disorders and supporting young people to identify and support peers in the school community who may be engaging in disordered eating behaviours. Workshops also provide strategies that encourage healthy relationships with body, food and physical activity, including managing diet talk, unhelpful thinking styles, and challenging societal appearance ideals. Please use the contact form below or email [email protected] to find out how EDV can support your school with student workshops and for pricing options.
Please note, if you are a teacher or member of the wellbeing team looking for workshops for students that are prevention-focused and focus on topics such as promoting positive body image and self-esteem, media literacy, and healthy relationships with food and physical activity, please contact The Butterfly Foundation.
The Body Project Australia
Body Project Australia is a dissonance-based early intervention program for young women aged 14-18 years who experience body dissatisfaction. The program is an adapted version of The Body Project, an evidence-based program that has been delivered to young women worldwide.
The program aims to decrease the extent to which young women ‘buy into’ societal appearance ideals by voluntarily engaging them in a series of verbal, written and behavioural exercises. The program is suitable for students who identify themselves as being dissatisfied with their body, and may be engaging in dieting and disordered eating behaviours.
The program is:
- A four-week program delivered over consecutive weeks
- Sessions are 1.5 hours in duration (or a double period)
- Designed to be delivered to a group of up to 12 young people
- Delivered by EDV trained facilitators
- Delivered during or after school hours