EDV responds to the Mental Health Royal Commission interim report - Eating Disorders Victoria
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Home ~ News ~ EDV responds to the Mental Health Royal Commission interim report

Mental Health Royal Commission Interim Report

The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System released it’s interim report on November 28th 2019. The 680 page document provides a thorough overview of the Commission’s processes and findings so far.

The Commission found that based on mental health consumer principle diagnoses, there has been an “11.1 per cent annual increase in the number of reported eating disorders from 2008–09 to 2017–18, the largest increase of all disorders.” (pg 32)

The Commissioners identified that a chronic level of under-funding has lead to a broken system and have made a number of recommendations as a first step prior to another year of hearings and submissions in 2020.

EDV CEO Belinda Caldwell has welcomed the report’s recommendations.

“They are a great first step while we wait for the final recommendations next year. In particular, we applaud the focus on the need for significant investment, as well as the focus on supporting the growth of the lived experience workforce. Having led the way in providing eating disorders specific peer mentoring in Victoria, we welcome all efforts to grow and professionalize this vital contribution to the treatment system. We know first hand the incredible value that peer support brings to an individual’s recovery journey.

The Collaborative Centre of Excellence in Mental Health is another fantastic recommendation. It’s vital that eating disorders form a key part of the centre’s work and we look forward to being involved in the development and implementation of this initiative.

As the Royal Commission continues in 2020, we are eager to continue to work with and inform the Commission as they develop the final recommendations. We hope to see sweeping changes to our mental health system that improves access and navigation, makes evidence-based treatment available at the necessary dose, supports and skills carers, provides seamless transitions between services, and ensures personalized care that is informed by the the person and their support networks.”

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The full interim report from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System is available here.

Read report

Read EDV's formal submissions to the Commission

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