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March 2023


Web and app based Interventions for Reducing Eating Disorders (WIRED) project

Monday 20 March

The Web- and app-based Interventions for Reducing Eating Disorders (WIRED) project has developed a 10-week app-based prevention and early intervention program (SEED) targeting eating disorder symptoms in adults.

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Development of a New Eating Disorder Screener for Vegetarians and Vegans Phase D

Monday 20 March

This study aims to develop a novel eating disorder screener for use in vegetarians and vegans. Phase D of this multi-phase project involves taking part in an online survey.

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Quasi Recovery Q&A

Friday 17 March

In a recent Peer Mentoring Program Alumni Group Session, the Peer Mentoring team facilitated a panel discussion on the topic of quasi recovery. Here is a summary of the Q&A responses from the session.

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Social media and you loved one's recovery

Friday 17 March

Is social media taking over your loved one? Studies have observed links between high levels of social media use and depression or anxiety symptoms as well as poor sleep quality. Find out how you can support health social media use in your loved one's recovery.

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February 2023


EDV responds to Four Corners

Tuesday 28 February

Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) welcomes the Four Corners investigation into the eating disorder system of care in Australia. As one of the longest running community support organisations in Australia, we know first-hand the debilitating impacts of eating disorders on individuals, families and communities.

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When your loved one is self-harming

Thursday 2 February

This article covers a big topic, self-harm and eating disorders. Before reading on take some time to check in with yourself and see whether you're up for this conversation right now or whether it might be best to wait until you are in a better physical or emotional place.

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January 2023


TBT-S training at EDV

Friday 20 January

Are you a clinician looking to upskill in 2023? EDV is excited to be working with Eating Disorders Families Australia to bring the highly regarded TBT-S training to Melbourne, led by Dr. Laura Hill and Dr. Stephanie Knatz-Peck.

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December 2022


EDV and La Trobe Research Partnership

Friday 23 December

EDV is excited to have partnered with La Trobe University to undertake a research project around Guided Self-help Stepped Care Treatment for Eating Disorders.

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Finding joy in swimming again

Friday 9 December

Senior Lived Experience Advisor Stefan shares his reflections on finding joy in swimming again. This article come from the December 2022 edition of the Peer Mentoring Program Alumni Newsletter.

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Dietitian Dani's tips for navigating the festive season

Friday 9 December

With the festive season quickly approaching, it can become a time for many, where certain emotions arise such as anxiety, overwhelm, panic, guilt, shame and fear. We may find ourselves sitting in the unknown, the unknown of how we are going to navigate certain occasions regarding food, socializing and changes to our usual routine. However, there are ways in which you may be able to guide yourself and your loved ones through the festive season so that you can take the power back from your eating disorder (ED) and choose how you want to spend your holidays.

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Georgia's story - choosing recovery everyday

If you are just starting on your recovery journey, I want to tell you firstly how proud I am of you for taking those steps, and to not give up entirely if you have slip ups along the way – it is part of the journey, no story of recovery is linear.

Georgia's story