Eating Disorders In The Media | Eating Disorders Victoria
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Media centre

Home ~ About us ~ Media centre

This page outlines how the media can work with EDV to ensure the safe and appropriate reporting of eating disorders. It includes information about media guidelines, lived experience ambassadors and contact details. 


For media enquiries, please contact:

[email protected] 

Reporting on eating disorders

Mindframe guidelines

A considered approach should be taken when reporting on eating disorders. Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses that shouldn’t be trivialized. Reporting should also consider the use of descriptive language, behaviours and specifics, such as weights/numbers. Such reporting can be triggering for people at risk of or in recovery from an eating disorder.

Minframe have put together a fantastic resource to help journalists who are reporting on eating disorders. Please read the guidelines and follow the recommendations.

If you are reporting on eating disorders and using quotes and or material from EDV, please include the following information so that readers know where to access support.

“If you are concerned about yourself or someone you care about, please contact the EDV Hub on 1300 550 236 or visit”


Lived experience ambassadors

EDV have a number of ambassadors who have recovered from an eating disorder who are willing to share their story with the media.

If you would like to interview an EDV ambassador, please contact EDV’s Communications Manager.

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