Eating Disorder Helpline | Eating Disorders Victoria
Home ~ Find support ~ EDV Hub


Home ~ Find support ~ EDV Hub

If you are new to EDV or are not sure where to start, the EDV Hub is the place for you.

The Hub operates Monday – Friday from 9.30AM – 4:30PM.

You can contact the Hub via phone on 1300 550 236 or via the webform linked on this page.

For business administration enquiries, please contact Reception directly on 1300 550 236 – Option 2.

What is the EDV Hub?

The Hub is a free and confidential service providing information and peer support for people experiencing eating disorders or those who are supporting them (family, friends, professionals etc.). We offer a safe place for you to seek information, openly discuss your experience with eating disorders and ask any questions you may have. The EDV Hub provides:


We provide evidence based information to help people understand eating disorders. E.g. fact sheets, education about eating disorders.


By listening carefully and asking questions we can provide options to connect people with the services and support that they may need for their recovery, or to assist someone. E.g. treatment options, links with GP, psychologist/dietitian, specialist eating disorder services, support groups.


People come to EDV to help begin and maintain their recovery. We also provide support to families and friends. EDV has a range of support options for those experiencing eating disorders including a Telehealth Nurse, Wellbeing Checks, Carer Coaches and Support Groups. The Hub can advise and refer you to the best EDV support options to suit your needs.

Please note that we cannot provide commentary about eating disorders to students for projects and assignments. Please use the information on our website instead.

Please note that we are not a crisis service.

Crisis services with professional counsellors which can be contacted 24/7 via the following services:

Lifeline – 13 11 14
Suicide Helpline – 1300 651 251
1800 Respect – 1800 737 732 (family violence or sexual assault)
Yarn SafeNStrong – 1800 959 563

If you are not in crisis but would like to speak to someone when the Hub is closed, please contact:

The Butterfly Foundation (8am-12am, 7-days) – 1800 33 4673

Contact Lifeline for urgent support

How the EDV Hub can help

Who is the EDV Hub for?

The EDV Hub is for anyone in Victoria who is seeking information around eating disorders. Please get in touch if you:

  • Want to talk to someone about your eating disorder, disordered eating or body image concerns
  • Are supporting a loved one with an eating disorder
  • Are worried about someone close to you
  • Are a health professional seeking advice relating to a patient/client
  • Need contact details for experienced health professionals in your area
  • Want to discuss treatment options in Victoria

Who will I speak to?

The EDV Hub is staffed by trained volunteers who have a special interest in eating disorders. Many volunteers have either recovered from an eating disorder, been a carer for a loved one or completed studies in a related field such as psychology or counselling.

What information will I receive?

The EDV Hub team will provide a considered, well-researched response to your concerns or requests for information. Please have a pen and paper handy to take down information at the time of your phone call, especially if you require the information as soon as possible. If your question requires more research, we will take down your email address or phone number and send you a detailed response at a later time.

What if English is not my first language?

When you call our helpline the Hub, we will ask if you want a phone interpreter. You can also use interpreters for our nurse or counsellors.

We will schedule your appointment for when an interpreter is available. We can offer over 190 languages through phone interpreting.

Contact the EDV Hub

Please call 1300 550 236 or complete an online registration form.

You can call the Hub between 9.30am – 4.30pm, Monday – Friday. As the Hub can experience a high volume of calls you may need to leave a message, in which case your call will be returned as soon as possible. If you are calling after hours, please leave a message and we will return your call. We understand the need for privacy, and will not say where we are calling from unless we are speaking to you directly.

Alternatively, you can contact us via the service user registration form below. By completing this form, the team at EDV will be able to provide you with an informed and comprehensive response to your enquiry.

EDV service user registration form

Media Enquiries

For media related enquiries, please contact:

[email protected]

Please note that we are unable to provide assistance for student assignments or enquiries. 

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