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Support groups

Home ~ Find support ~ Support groups

This page provides information on support groups available for people affected by eating disorders and those that care for them.

Please note: any date changes to online support groups will be listed here.

Online Support Groups

EDV run a range of Online Support Groups that cater to different needs within the community.

What do the groups involve?

The groups give people the opportunity to draw upon the support, experience and skills of others facing similar issues in their eating disorder recovery.

Each group has an overarching theme, which changes month to month. The theme for the month is available on the booking page.

Using the guidance of the theme and the support of the group facilitators, participants are given the opportunity to reflect on current challenges and discuss coping tools.

Which group should I attend?

It is entirely up to the participants to select which group they would prefer to attend. Attendance is not based on diagnosis, but on what difficulties the individual would like support on. We welcome people to attend these groups at any stage of their wellness and recovery journey. Participants are welcome to attend more than one group if they wish. Please note that you must be 18 or older to attend groups.

How are the groups run?

Groups will be held online via Zoom and participants are required to register beforehand. Registrations open one month in advance. Groups are free to attend, thanks to the support of the Victorian Government.

REACH – for restrictive and compensatory behaviours

This group is targeted at individuals who struggle with restriction as a feature of their eating disorder. We welcome people at any stage of the recovery journey. This includes individuals who are restricting their intake, struggling with thoughts to restrict and those who may be using compensatory behaviours in addition to challenges with restriction.

REACH meets:

  • Every second Tuesday of the month 11am – 12.30pm
  • Every fourth Wednesday of the month 6.30pm – 8pm
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BEYOND – for binge eating and compensatory behaviours

This group is targeted at individuals who struggle with binge eating as a feature of their eating disorder. We welcome people at any stage of the recovery journey. This includes individuals who struggle with binge eating, thoughts to binge eat and those who may be using compensatory behaviours in addition to challenges with binge eating.

BEYOND meets:

  • Every third Wednesday of the month 6.30pm – 8pm
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COSMO – for those experiencing an eating disorder and other health conditions

In this group we welcome individuals struggling with any type of eating disorder, that are also having difficulties with other health conditions such as (but not limited to) alcohol or drug use, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autism. It is a space where participants can seek support for these challenges that is safe and judgement free and where the complexity of the lived experience can be shared and supported.

COSMO meets:

  • Every third Wednesday of the month 11am – 12.30pm
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BLOOM – for those in the LGBTIQA+ community experiencing an eating disorder

This group is exclusively for the LGBTQIA+ community who are experiencing eating disorders. It is a safe space to discuss the dynamic challenges of eating disorders, body image, gender identity and sexuality and how this is impacting you at the moment.

BLOOM meets:

  • Every fourth Wednesday of the month 11am – 12.30pm
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VIVA – eating disorders and larger bodies

In this group we welcome individuals struggling with any type of eating disorder, that identify as being in a larger body. It is a space where participants can seek support and explore topics such as stigma, body diversity and advocacy.

VIVA meets:

  • The first Thursday of the month 6.30pm – 8pm
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SE-ED – for those with Severe and Enduring (10+ years) eating disorders

In this group we welcome individuals experiencing a long term eating disorder (10+ years) where attempts at treatment have so far been unsuccessful. The group gives people the opportunity to draw upon the support, experience and skills of others facing similar SE-ED issues. It is an open space to discuss what you are struggling with, reflect on current challenges and discuss coping tools.

SE-ED meets:

  • Every third Thursday of the month 5.30pm – 7pm
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For family and friends


EDV run two Carer Courses, UPSKILL and RENEW. Our Carer Courses provide practical skills-based learning amongst peers who understand the experience of the support role. Each week’s theme will help facilitate group discussion and learning.

Learn more about EDV Carer Courses

Non EDV family support groups:

strive Groups

strive Groups are run by our friends at Eating Disorders Families Australia. 

strive carer support groups:

  • Provide a safe, supportive place for carers to meet each month in a semi-structured environment which allows for both knowledge sharing and peer support
  • Provide information and resources to assist parents and carers to understand eating disorders and their integral role in recovery
  • Encourage empowerment of carers in their role in the recovery of the person with the eating disorder.
  • Are run by trained volunteer carers, for carers.

Attendees will be asked to join EDFA for a $25 annual family membership.


Who runs the groups?

All EDV facilitators have personal lived experience with an eating disorder or have been a carer. Some are working professionally or studying in fields such as counselling, peer support and psychology. You can find profiles of some of the facilitators below.

Do I need to book? Why?

Yes, we require you to book in if you are planning on attending. You can book by finding the event under the Events tab, and find the corresponding event.

We honour your time and the time of our facilitators. If we need to cancel a group for any reason we want to give you as much notice as possible to minimise inconvenience.

Support groups do not run if only one person is booked in, and that instance we would contact you to advise that it is not going ahead and offer one-to-one support to you via the EDV Hub.

I’m under 18 – can I attend?

Unfortunately, the groups are currently only for people 18+.

How do you keep the groups safe?

EDV uses a set of guidelines to ensure support groups are recovery-focused and non-triggering for group members. The guidelines are discussed at the beginning of each group. We also have in place a Group Agreement, which every participant agrees to when registering to attend a group. You can read the Group Agreement online here.

How do I give feedback on groups?

If you have recently attended a support group and would like to fill in a survey to provide feedback click here.

Meet the EDV Support Group Facilitators

Is (they/them)

Is Hay (they/them) is a disabled and queer young person working in the disability, youth and mental health spaces, as well as is a writer. After recovering from their eating disorder in 2019, they are grateful to get to connect to their community as an online support group facilitator at EDV.

Vicki (she/her)

Vicki has supported both her daughter and her sister through to recovery from an eating disorder.  Over the past 10 years she has continued to be involved in ED advocacy through education and awareness as well as providing general support to families who find themselves in the eating disorder world.   She has a particular passion for the power of families being involved in the recovery process and enjoys continually updating her knowledge through professional development in the area of family led re-feeding and the nuances involved in adapting for different temperament traits.

Richard (they/them)

Richard works at Eating Disorders Victoria as a social worker within the Severe and Enduring Eating Disorders (SE-ED) program. Within this program Richard co-facilitates Education workshops, is a peer mentor and provides one-on-one counselling.

Melanie (she/her)

Melanie (Mel) is the Coordinator of Eating Disorder Victoria’s Hub service. Within this role, Mel oversees the daily operations of the Hub, manages the Hub volunteer team and provides peer support to the community. Mel is also the REACH support group facilitator.

Amy (she/her)

Amy has a lived experience of an eating disorder, other mental health challenges and a chronic health condition.  She is passionate about connection and helping others feel less alone. Amy is a dedicated Peer Mentor at Eating Disorders Victoria and is grateful to be a part of the online support group community as a facilitator.

Nush (she/her) 

Nush is passionate about fostering supportive spaces for people to share their stories and connect with others. Nush loves cooking, art making, reading tarot, and generally being queer. Nush works as a social worker and EDV peer mentor, and is a BLOOM support group co-facilitator.

Zero tolerance towards violence

Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) takes a zero-tolerance approach towards violence, aggression and/or violent threats. EDV has an obligation to provide a safe and healthy workplace where people are not subjected to aggression and/or violence.  This policy is in place for both our staff and our community.

In line with Safe Work Australia, violence is defined as:

  • Physical e.g. biting, scratching, hitting, kicking, pushing, grabbing, throwing objects, coughing or spitting on someone;
  • Psychological e.g. bullying, harassment, threats;
  • Verbal, written or online e.g.  abuse, yelling, name-calling, swearing, written correspondence including electronic means or online (such as via social media platforms).
  • One off or repeated incidents

Breaching of this policy can lead to termination of contact with EDV.

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