EDV Carer Coaching Program - Eating Disorders Victoria
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EDV Carer Coaching Program

Home ~ Find support ~ EDV Carer Coaching Program

This page provides information about EDV’s Carer Coaching Program. To enquire further about the Carer Coaching Program, please contact the EDV Hub on 1300 550 236. For information about other carer support options at EDV, please see here.

What is the Carer Coaching Program?

EDV’s Carer Coaching Program is a free, structured 8-week program for carers of a young person (<19) recently diagnosed with a restrictive eating disorder who is waiting to access clinical treatment. Through peer support, education and guidance, the program hopes to build carer knowledge, understanding and skills to support recovery in the person they care for.

The program takes place entirely online through video conferencing (Zoom), enabling access to carers across Victoria. Weekly 60 minute sessions are held over the 8-weeks and are led by a Carer Coach. Carer Coaches are trained peer workers who hold lived experience of supporting a young person in their recovery from an eating disorder. They aim to take a supportive, non-judgemental approach in order to listen, normalise, and collaboratively problem-solve with the carers they work with. Sessions are held individually with the Carer Coach and carer(s) of the young person. 

The Carer Coaching Program offers:

  • Peer-based support  
  • Education around eating disorders, treatment and recovery. Follow-up resources are provided after sessions.  
  • Strategies around basic meal support (not dietary advice), managing emotions, setting healthy boundaries, carer self-care and managing fatigue 
  • Linkage with appropriate support and resources 

Whilst the program has a specific week-by-week structure, program content is personalised to address unique support needs of people who take part.  

Who is the Carer Coaching Program suitable for?

The Carer Coaching Program may be suitable for those who meet the following criteria:

  • People who identify as a carer/caregiver/supporter of a young person (18 years or younger) recently diagnosed with a restrictive eating disorder (e.g., anorexia nervosa, atypical anorexia, avoidant restrictive food intake disorder – ARFID)
  • The young person with the eating disorder is currently on a waitlist to receive formal treatment (such as Family Based Treatment, usually at a CAMHS/CYMHS service or at a private clinic)
  • The person with the eating disorder is engaged in care with a general practitioner or paediatrician
  • People who are residents of Victoria, Australia

What could coaching offer carers? 

Eating disorders are a not self-limiting illnesses, which means that without intervention, a person is likely to become more and more unwell. When a young person has a restrictive eating disorder and they are waiting to access treatment, every day and week without intervention can make a difference. 

One common treatment approach for young people with restrictive eating disorders is Family Based Treatment (FBT). This is often regarded as the first line of treatment for those 18 years and under. The Carer Coaching program uses this treatment approach as the baseline of its structure. EDV believes that supporting families to learn about, understand and begin to use principles of FBT as soon as possible can enable families to respond early and get off to a good start in supporting their loved one’s recovery. 

EDV responsibilities

In addition to EDV’s Engagement Agreement, the Carer Coaching Program assumes the following responsibilities:

  • Carer Coaches engage in regular supervision and team meetings (with EDV nurses, counsellors, peer workers and other program facilitators) to collaboratively discuss cases and enhance the support they provide. They also engage in professional development to deepen their skills and stay up to date with current knowledge 
  • If you would like us to correspond with a member of your care team, please request this in writing. 
  • If needed, we may direct you to suitable support options if circumstances change and additional needs arise.

Please note: While Carer Coaches lead from experience, they are not clinicians and therefore cannot provide clinical recommendations. The Carer Coaching Program should be regarded as adjunct to, not a replacement for, formal eating disorder care. 

Quality improvement

At EDV, we believe it is important to collect information from people who engage with our services to learn, improve and evaluate our programs and services.

We will ask you some initial questions about your circumstances to help determine whether the Carer Coaching Program is suitable for you, or if another program or service may be better suited.  

If you engage in the Carer Coaching Program, we ask that you complete some questionnaires to help us track any impacts of your involvement in the program. In these questionnaires, there may be questions about wellbeing, including yours and the wellbeing of the person you are caring for. Please note that these questionnaires are optional; you can still participate in the Carer Coaching Program if you do not consent to undertake the questionnaires. 

Register for the Carer Coaching Program

Please call the EDV Hub on 1300 550 236

If you are interested in the Carer Coaching Program, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact the EDV Hub to find out more. 


What if we begin formal treatment during the Carer Coaching Program?

You are welcome to continue the program to completion once the young person you support has commenced formal eating disorder treatment. If treatment begins during your involvement with the Carer Coaching Program we will seek your consent to inform your treatment team of your engagement with EDV and, where appropriate, liaise for care collaboration.   

How are the appointment dates organised?

Sessions are available Monday – Wednesday from 9.30am to 4pm and are booked in advance with Carer Coaches. To help our team, please provide us with 24 hours’ notice if you cannot attend your scheduled appointment. 

Are there any risks or costs?

Aside from giving up your time, we do not expect that there will be any risks/costs of taking part in the Carer Coaching Program. It may be possible that you experience discomfort in discussing personal experiences within sessions. Please contact the Carer Coaching team if you experience any distress through your involvement, or if you have any concerns or complaints.  

What If I don’t want to be involved anymore?

You can withdraw from the Carer Coaching program at any time – if you do, you will be offered an optional exit meeting to discuss support options. Please let us know (via email/phone) if you wish to withdraw from the program. If you choose to withdraw from the program after providing consent, any responses you provide to any questionnaires may not be able to be deleted – you will not be identified in any way. 

What if I need help between appointments or if the waiting period for treatment is over 8-weeks?

EDV have a wide range of supports available to you, see below for details. You may contact the EDV Hub, Monday-Friday 9.30am-4.30pm on 1300 550 236 to discuss these options or we can support you to find alternative appropriate support.  

What if I'm not eligible for the Carer Coaching Program?

If you’re not eligible for the Carer Coaching Program, please explore the other support options that EDV has on offer.

EDV offer a range of programs and resources for carers, families and loved ones, including:

  • EDV Hub – free, confidential information, service system navigation and support
  • Telehealth Counselling: Carers – Up to five free 30-45 minute sessions with a trained mental health worker, to help carers talk through and manage their carer role and own wellbeing
  • Telehealth Nurse – free service to assist carers with accessing treatment for a loved one, locating specialised eating disorder services and health professionals and provide information and support to help people work towards recovery. 
  • UPSKILL Carer Course – 6-week course designed to provide skills training for families and carers who are playing an active role in refeeding their child.  
  • RENEW Carer Course – 4-week, skills-based course for people whose loved one has been unwell for longer than two years and are not currently participating in family-led refeeding, but who wish to gain and renew skills to support them in their journey.
  • Carer resources page on our website – includes links to factsheets, videos and other support services
  • Carer workshopsEDV runs workshops for carers, focused on wellbeing, coping strategies, and problem solving skills. Please contact the EDV education team at [email protected] for more information.

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Our Carer Newsletter is written by carers, for carers. Each newsletter addresses common challenges faced by those who play a caring role and provides practical strategies and tips to manage them.

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Meet the Carer Coaching Team


Vicki has supported both her daughter and her sister through to recovery from an eating disorder.  Over the past 10 years she has continued to be involved in ED advocacy through education and awareness as well as providing general support to families who find themselves in the eating disorder world.   She has a particular passion for the power of families being involved in the recovery process and enjoys continually updating her knowledge through professional development in the area of family led re-feeding and the nuances involved in adapting for different temperament traits.

Zero tolerance towards violence

Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) takes a zero-tolerance approach towards violence, aggression and/or violent threats. EDV has an obligation to provide a safe and healthy workplace where people are not subjected to aggression and/or violence.  This policy is in place for both our staff and our community.

In line with Safe Work Australia, violence is defined as:

  • Physical e.g. biting, scratching, hitting, kicking, pushing, grabbing, throwing objects, coughing or spitting on someone;
  • Psychological e.g. bullying, harassment, threats;
  • Verbal, written or online e.g.  abuse, yelling, name-calling, swearing, written correspondence including electronic means or online (such as via social media platforms).
  • One off or repeated incidents

Breaching of this policy can lead to termination of contact with EDV.

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