EDV's Telehealth Nurse | Eating Disorders Victoria
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EDV Telehealth Nurse

Home ~ Find support ~ EDV Telehealth Nurse

This page provides information about EDV’s Telehealth Nurse Service. To make an appointment with a Nurse, please call the EDV Hub on 1300 550 236.

EDV's Telehealth Nurse service

EDV’s Telehealth Nurse service is a free telehealth service available to people experiencing eating disorders and their carers/support people in Victoria.

Navigating treatment for an eating disorder can be difficult and overwhelming. If you are looking for guidance to take the next steps, EDV’s Telehealth Nurse service is here to help.

EDV’s Telehealth Nurses work to:

  • Understand your history, needs and treatment goals
  • Locate specialised eating disorder health professionals relevant to your location and plan next steps of action
  • Provide useful information and educational resources

Our Telehealth Nurses provide guidance to people at all stages of the treatment journey. This includes individuals and families who have just received a diagnosis, right through to those who are already connected to more intensive hospital or day programs. 

What to expect from EDV's Telehealth Nurse service

When you connect with EDV’s Telehealth Nurse Service, you can expect to speak to a qualified nurse who is experienced in working with people with eating disorders.

How are sessions conducted? 

Sessions are conducted via phone or video call.

What is involved in the sessions?

EDV’s Telehealth Nurses will initially complete a 1 hour assessment over the phone or online via video call. During this call, the nurse will discuss your individual needs, including the history of your own or your loved one’s eating disorder, current treatments and future goals. Your nurse will provide ongoing support through follow-up calls to help keep you working towards your recovery goals. 


If you are an adult living in Victoria with an eating disorder or you are a parent/family member/friend who is caring for either a child or adult who has an eating disorder, you are able to connect and receive this service.

You will need to be available for an initial consultation with the Telehealth Nurse over the phone. No referral is required.  

For callers under the age of 16: 

We are very happy to receive phone calls and enquiries from people under the age of 16. However, we do require that you have an adult (someone over the age of 18) join you for your phone calls. This can be a family member, friend, clinician, school teacher/mental health worker, youth worker or a support person of your choosing. We do this to ensure that all conversations are clear and transparent and that you have someone to support you with both information and plans. 

For callers under the age of 18: 

If the EDV worker you are speaking to is seriously worried about your safety or the safety of someone else they must, by law, try to keep everyone safe. This means they might have to share their concerns with someone else. Please talk to us about confidentiality to ensure you understand how this works. 

Other requirements

EDV’s Telehealth Nurse may ask for your consent for information to be shared between EDV and other health professionals that you are connected to (GP, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Dietitian) which will be done with your knowledge. Participation in research may be offered and feedback is welcomed. 

Make an appointment with EDV's Telehealth Nurse

Appointments with an EDV Telehealth Counsellor are made by contacting the EDV Hub. 

Please call the EDV Hub on 1300 550 236Monday – Friday between 9.30am and 4.30pm. The friendly team will take you through a registration process and book you in for your first appointment.

Meet the EDV Telehealth Nurse Team


Ella (she/her) is a Registered Nurse with experience working in a variety of hospital settings, most recently working as an emergency department nurse. Ella has experience in managing medical complications of eating disorders in acute medical settings and a passion for educating clinicians in the complexities of supporting a person living with an eating disorder and their carers. Ella practices from a patient-centred, trauma-informed, HAES aligned philosophy and encourages harm-minimisation with the aim to promote autonomy and help-seeking in people’s unique recovery journeys. This includes equipping carers with resources and skills to support their loved ones through the journey of recovery and ensure their medical safety.



Alison is a Registered Nurse (Paediatric and Mental Health) with experience working within child and adolescent inpatient settings, acute and community mental health, primary health clinics and schools. Alison has supported individuals with eating disorders and their families / significant others throughout their care trajectory and recovery journey. Alison’s mission is to provide holistic, trauma informed, recovery orientated and client centred care with a passion for connecting people with the right support.


Zero tolerance towards violence

Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) takes a zero-tolerance approach towards violence, aggression and/or violent threats. EDV has an obligation to provide a safe and healthy workplace where people are not subjected to aggression and/or violence.  This policy is in place for both our staff and our community.

In line with Safe Work Australia, violence is defined as:

  • Physical e.g. biting, scratching, hitting, kicking, pushing, grabbing, throwing objects, coughing or spitting on someone;
  • Psychological e.g. bullying, harassment, threats;
  • Verbal, written or online e.g.  abuse, yelling, name-calling, swearing, written correspondence including electronic means or online (such as via social media platforms).
  • One off or repeated incidents

Breaching of this policy can lead to the termination of contact with EDV.

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