Melbourne Mavericks champion eating disorder awareness with Henley and EDV - Eating Disorders Victoria
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Home ~ News ~ Melbourne Mavericks champion eating disorder awareness with Henley and EDV

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Melbourne Mavericks champion eating disorder awareness with Henley and EDV

May 27th, 2024

The Melbourne Mavericks will team up with Henley and Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) to raise awareness for World Eating Disorders Action Day. The collaboration will leverage the Mavericks’ Round 8 match against the NSW Swifts to promote positive body image, encourage healthy relationships with food, and support those affected by eating disorders.  

It is estimated that 1.1 million Australians (286,069 Victorians) aged over 5 years old have an eating disorder, a 21% increase over the last decade. Women are twice as likely as men to experience an eating disorder, with people aged 15-19 being 2.7 times more likely. Additionally, 70% of adolescent girls report body dissatisfaction, while athletes engaged in competitive physical activities like netball are at increased risk of disordered eating if they believe regulating their weight can enhance sports performance. 

Recognising the importance of addressing this issue, Mavs shooter Sasha Glasgow will serve as an official ambassador to help spread awareness and promote positive change. The Round 8 game will feature a range of initiatives designed to engage fans, start meaningful conversations, and raise funds for EDV’s vital work. Mavs players will also share their own experiences and insights through powerful video content, helping to reduce stigma and encourage those affected to reach out for support. 

Sasha Glasgow expressed her commitment to the cause, stating, “I believe it’s crucial to use our platform to raise awareness about eating disorders and promote healthy body image. By sharing our own experiences and encouraging open conversations, we can break down the stigma surrounding these issues and inspire others to seek the support they need.

Netball is the number one participation sport for girls and women in Australia I’m proud to be a part of this collaboration with Henley and EDV, and I hope our efforts will make a positive impact in the lives of those affected by eating disorders.”

“In an extension of our approach to all things wellbeing, Henley Homes is proud to support Eating Disorders Victoria because we believe in building more than just homes; we’re committed to fostering healthy, vibrant communities,” said Antony Blackshaw, Henley Properties Group CEO.  

“Our partnership reflects a shared dedication to nurturing the wellbeing of every individual, recognising that a true sense of home extends beyond physical spaces to include the mental and emotional support that everyone deserves.  Together with the Melbourne Mavericks and EDV, we’re constructing a foundation of awareness, prevention, and care for those affected by eating disorders, ensuring that every member of our community has the opportunity to live a full and balanced life.”

“At EDV, we believe that everyone has a role to play when it comes to eating disorders. Whether it’s raising awareness, encouraging help seeking, or creating a body positive environment, we can all be part of the solution,” said Belinda Caldwell, Eating Disorders Victoria CEO.  

“We are grateful to the Mavericks and Henley for joining us in this important mission, and look forward to breaking stigma and sharing stories of hope together.”


Media contact

Breanna Guterres, Eating Disorders Victoria Director of Communications, Advocacy and Engagement
Ph: 0431 717 177
E: [email protected]



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