Should you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete three online components:
Phase 1). A short 5-10-minute pre-screening survey to assess your eligibility, where you will be asked to:
- Complete an online questionnaire assessing your current eating behaviours.
If you meet our eligibility criteria, you will then be invited to complete:
Phase 2). An online experiment via Zoom, where you will be asked to:
- Complete an online questionnaire
- Pose for a neutral photograph that only our research team will see
- Complete some online experimental tasks which assess self-perception (this will involve looking at a picture of your face, viewing a video of another person’s face with various expressions and mimicking such facial expressions when instructed)
- The time needed to complete this is not expected to exceed 2-hours.
Phase 3). A clinical interview via Zoom, where you will be asked to:
- Respond to questions assessing your current eating behaviours.
- The time needed to complete this is not expected to exceed 1-hour.
The overall time commitment for the entire study is not expected to exceed 3 hours 10 minutes.
Requirements for participation:
- You are female (cisgender)
- You are aged 18 years or over
- You are of Caucasian, South-Eastern Asian or Eastern Asian ethnicity
How to get involved
Please click this link to complete Phase 1: