The preferred measure/s of recovery in the treatment of eating disorders - Eating Disorders Victoria
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Home ~ Research Projects ~ The preferred measure/s of recovery in the treatment of eating disorders

This research is led by an institution external to EDV. Please read all the information provided below before deciding to participate. If you have any concerns about this, please consider speaking to your treatment team, someone you trust or contact the lead researcher. While research is important, your wellness and recovery should always be priority. A reminder that the EDV Hub is here for any Victorian who would like to discuss eating disorder concerns.

The preferred measure/s of recovery in the treatment of eating disorders

Research institution: Deakin University
Lead Investigator: 
Rachel Knight
Contact: Rachel Knight,

Recovery from an eating disorder looks different to everyone. So how do we capture and use vital information on progress and recovery in a meaningful way? Also, how do we know that the support and treatment being offered is actually helpful?

If you are a carer of a person experiencing an eating disorder, or a person with lived experience of an eating disorder (and from Victoria), we want to hear from you.

Your contribution will provide insights into the way we measure recovery and outcomes in eating disorders. Specifically, we want to explore:

  • What measures are currently used to measure recovery in eating disorders.
  • What measures (of recovery) are preferred by you!

If you would like to participate, we will arrange an online interview and ask some questions about your experience of outcome measures and how they are used. It is anticipated the interview will take about 30 minutes of your time.

Any information you provide will be confidential and any identifying information will be removed before your interview is used in the research.

Further information and participation

Please get in touch to discuss your interest: