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July 2020


Understanding more about Orthorexia: Research

Thursday 30 July

This study is interested in understanding more about a condition called orthorexia, which is a disorder involving being so obsessed with eating healthily that it may lead to harm.

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Evaluating the Relationship Between Disordered Eating and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury.

Tuesday 28 July

This study will recruit adults aged 18 to 60 from the general population and from websites that support people with BPD and with eating disorders.

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June 2020


Peer Mentoring Program receives million dollar funding

Wednesday 3 June

The Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley has announced $1 million in funding for the PMP over the next two years. This significant investment will enable EDV to double the number of participants in the program, and to expand the program to rural and regional areas in Victoria.

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Eating Disorder Alliance of Australia (EDAA) Media Release - World Eating Disorder Action Day 2020

Tuesday 2 June

Eating Disorder Alliance of Australia (EDAA), representing the voice of lived experience for eating disorders across Australia, invites people to Share Your Story on World Eating Disorder Action Day.

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May 2020


Research: Involving a dietitian in a patient’s eating disorder treatment

Monday 25 May

Researchers are conducting a study to examine to what extent clinicians’ decision to involve a dietitian in a patient’s eating disorder treatment is influenced by: (1) patient characteristics and (2) clinician beliefs.

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EDAA Media Release - Deputy Chief Medical Officer appointment critical to support mental health concerns during and post coronavirus

Thursday 14 May

The Eating Disorder Alliance of Australia (EDAA), applauds the appointment of Associate Professor Ruth Vine, and reiterates the need for the inclusion of eating disorders in responding to COVID-19.

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Seeking females with a current or past diagnosis of anorexia nervosa to take part in anonymous online research

Thursday 14 May

Researchers at Swinburne University of Technology are seeking females with a current or past diagnosis of anorexia nervosa to take part in anonymous online research investigating the relationship between various cognitive factors and anorexia nervosa.

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Online study about everyday function for individuals who have a current, or a past diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa

Monday 4 May

Seeking participants! The aim of this study is to better understand how the thoughts and feelings experienced by people who are currently diagnosed with, or have a past history of Anorexia Nervosa, may affect their social, academic and occupational functioning

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April 2020


Joint media release - NEW Eating Disorders Alliance Australia

Wednesday 29 April

Eating Disorders Victoria joins the Eating Disorder Alliance of Australia (EDAA), a new alliance to represent the voice of consumers, carers and health care professionals.

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EDV receives government funding to provide additional support during COVID-19

Tuesday 14 April

Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) is thrilled to be the recipient of a $250,000 funding boost as part of the Victorian government’s $60 million package for increased mental health support.

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Georgia's story - choosing recovery everyday

If you are just starting on your recovery journey, I want to tell you firstly how proud I am of you for taking those steps, and to not give up entirely if you have slip ups along the way – it is part of the journey, no story of recovery is linear.

Georgia's story