Ann's story - understanding together
"Eating disorders are not well understood, and part of my recovery meant holding the hands of those around me ... This, in turn, lead to increased understanding from my family and friends and eventually, I understood myself.”
Read Ann's story
Jo's story - the labyrinth of recovery from an eating disorder
Recovery from an eating disorder is a complex and confusing journey. My experience is that it is not a linear pathway where one jumps a hurdle and then leaves it behind – conquered.
Read Jo's story
Carol's story - putting binge eating behind me
"The binge itself, followed by the preoccupation with shame, guilt and planning the next diet, managed to distract me from avoiding my uncomfortable emotions for about 15 years. I was stunned at how obvious it all was!”
Read Carol's story
Ash's story - beating anorexia after 10 years
I think that controlling my food and exercise subconsciously acted as a coping mechanism for me to deal with my constant anxiety. I strived for perfection at any cost and just wanted to prove that I was worthy.
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Lauren's story - my anger at anorexia
I get very angry and upset about my eating disorder: what it did to me, what it took from me. It put so much strain on my body and brain and I lost so much time and freedom, having to spend so long in hospital.
Read Lauren's story