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December 2022


A message of hope

Friday 2 December

Recent media coverage around eating disorders in young people in Victoria has left some in our community feeling even more anxious and distressed. EDV's CEO Belinda Caldwell reflects on the recent media stories and the role of hope in recovery.

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November 2022


Independent MP Zoe Daniel calls for greater eating disorder investment

Wednesday 30 November

Independent MP for Goldstein Zoe Daniel called on the federal and Victorian governments to address the significant rise of eating disorder presentations in hospitals. We commend and thank Zoe Daniel and fellow federal independent members for shining a national spotlight on this issue.

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Chairperson Reflections 2021-22

Friday 25 November

EDV Board Chair Nick Gurner shares the governance, leadership and strategy success of 2021-22 as part of our 2021-22 Annual Report.

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CEO Reflections on 2021-22

Thursday 17 November

EDV CEO Belinda Caldwell reflects on operational achievements of the EDV team as part of our 2021-22 Annual Report.

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Eating disorder recovery and self-harm

Tuesday 8 November

Please know that this article covers the topic of self-harm and eating disorders. Before reading on, maybe take some time to check in with yourself and just see whether you're up for this conversation right now or whether it might be best to wait until you are in a better physical or emotional place.

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Endometriosis and fertility

Thursday 3 November

Acute or chronic health conditions are something that everyone will experience in their lifetime. However, when in recovery from an eating disorder (ED), there are nuances with respect to health anxiety, our interactions with the medical system and certain medical advice or treatment can often contradict the strategies we have employed in recovery.

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October 2022


EDV 'bright idea' rewarded with $25,000 grant

Friday 28 October

EDV’s Peer Mentoring Program Manager and La Trobe University Graduate Researcher, Rachael Duck, has been awarded a grant to lead Australia’s first online training initiative specific to eating disorder peer workers.

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Are you practicing Carer Alignment?

Thursday 27 October

Carer alignment in eating disorder treatment is the practice of presenting a united front against your loved one's eating disorder. Find out how you can practice the ALIGN method at home.

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Eating disorder ‘crisis’ in Victoria calls for urgent action in next term of Government

Tuesday 4 October

Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) has released its 2022 Election Statement, calling on all major political parties and independents to recognise the growing burden of eating disorders on the Victorian population.

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September 2022


The double life

Friday 30 September

EDV Telehealth Nurse and Recovery Ambassador Gemma shares her tips for juggling everyday life while actively in recovery from an eating disorder.

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Georgia's story - choosing recovery everyday

If you are just starting on your recovery journey, I want to tell you firstly how proud I am of you for taking those steps, and to not give up entirely if you have slip ups along the way – it is part of the journey, no story of recovery is linear.

Georgia's story