Stephanie's story - claiming my mind and body back
Recovery is not a linear progression. Recovery is a roller coaster of emotions, hate and love, suffering and relief, tears of fear and tears of joy whilst I stare at myself in the mirror, conflicted with feelings of shame and pride. Recovery is the journey to finding yourself again and claiming your mind and your body back from the devil that stole it
Stephanie's story
Nikki's story - no such thing as not 'sick enough'
I’m sad that I spent so long making myself ill without getting help. I was worthy of care and assistance to get well again. I hope others experiencing a similar situation will acknowledge they too deserve and should seek help.
Nikki's story
Ruby's story - we are so much stronger than we believe
I was waiting for someone or something to save me; to come along and give me what I needed to push me to recover. It took me so long to realise the only person who could make me do it was myself and my willpower to change my life.
Ruby's story
Sophie's story - there is hope
What started out as a relatively harmless idea, quickly became obsessive and took over my life. I was the last person I expected to get an eating disorder. But it still happened to me. To all those who are currently struggling, I want you to know that your struggle is valid, and that recovery is possible no matter who you are. There is hope.
Sophie's story
Tess's story - fall down five times , get up six - the importance of perseverance to find the right supports and recovery
"Despite being told that I would never graduate high school, especially not with my original peer group, I did. Despite being told I may never recover fully, I did. Despite being told I might never handle the stress of my dream job - being a nurse - I now am a registered nurse working at a major public hospital and I am."
Read Tess's story
Cheryl's story - I thought my eating disorder would make me thin. Instead it made me small.
"More than ten years on, my recovery hasn’t been fast, but it has been big. I still struggle to love my body sometimes. But I have learned that my body deserves to be cared for, regardless of how I feel about it in the moment."
Cheryl's story
Georgia's story - choosing recovery everyday
If you are just starting on your recovery journey, I want to tell you firstly how proud I am of you for taking those steps, and to not give up entirely if you have slip ups along the way – it is part of the journey, no story of recovery is linear.
Georgia's story
Elise's story - learning to nourish my soul
To my body, thank you for not giving up on me. You’re the only one I have to take me through the journey of life. The only vehicle to connect my soul to the world, to touch, taste and smell the flavours of life. I promise to care and nurture you.
Read Elise's story
Amy's story - thriving as a survivor
There is no magic word, prescription or motivational speech that will force recovery upon you. Only you can make that choice. That choice will dissipate the loneliness and isolation that your eating disorder compels you to feel.
Read Amy's story
Ben's story - young, professional, male — and living with an eating disorder
“I am a 30 year old male. I am professionally employed and degree qualified. I have also been suffering from anorexia for the past three years. During this time, it has taken a devastating toll on my physical and emotional health, and my professional and personal life. This is my story.”
Read Ben's story